Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Small MAC haul

Stopped by the MAC counter today and I bought 3 eyeshadow I been wanting to try...

BlackBerry matte finish

Femme Noir veluxe finish

Forgery lustre finish


  1. Hi Merrybelly,

    I have been desperately looking for mac eyeshadow in femme noir, which has been discontinued. Could you please let me know when and where you purchased yours? It would mean the world to me! Or, if you would sell me yours, I'll pay you double for it!



    1. Hi I bought this back in April at the MAC counter in Pasadena, Ca.
      The makeup artist was looking in the drawer for Nehru and there it was inside one of.the drawers...

    2. Thanks for your response. Southern California has the best MAC stores. I actually found one from an eBay seller in the UK. I had damaged mine while depotting it. It's unfortunate that they've discontinued so many lovely shades.
